Top 10 WordPress Plugins We Use

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Posted: Nov 30 2012 1 Reply

Top 10 WordPress Plugins We Use

If you use WordPress, then you most likely use some plugins. I was working with a client today and discussing the plugins we were going to install on her new site. That discussion got me thinking about the main plugins that we use for most of our design installs. Well, that led to a Top Ten List. Here are our Top 10 WordPress Plugins that we use in our site designs.

1 ) Backup

Backing up your WordPress is very important. If your site gets a virus or crashes due to some unforeseen error (human or otherwise), it is always nice to have a current backup so you can fix your site and get right back to work.

  • Pressbackup

2) Spam Blockers

Spam is annoying. I am sure we can all agree on that. Having a basic spam blocker is important to save your sanity.

  • Akismet

3) Security

Have you thought about the security of  your WordPress site? Securing your WordPress site from viruses and hackers is important. I have no idea why they would attack your li’l ole blog, but they will, they do it every day. Having  basic security on your site will help protect you.

  • Wordfence
  • Sucuri

4) SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is not as complicated as it sounds. Having an excellent SEO plugin makes it even easier.

  • Yoast

5) Analytics

Having analytics plugins installed will help you know who is coming to your site and where they are coming from.

  • Analytics 360

6) RSS and Newsletters

RSS is the feed that enables your subscribers to read your blog in their feed readers or via email. A newsletter is something that is sent out to your subscribers or a specific subscriber list that is different from your blog’s RSS. Often times clients will use Feedburner for RSS and an additional service for their newsletters. We were so excited to find a plugin that does both – AND – can be managed directly from your WordPress dashboard.


7) Editorial Calendar

I found this plugin a very long time ago. It was love at first sight. The Editorial Calendar plugin for WordPress gives you a visual way to look at and plan your posts.

  • Editorial Calendar

8) Social Icons In Post Footer

We have tried many different social media plugins for our clients and this is the best one that we have found. It includes all the icons that we normally use and allows for customizing how the icons are displayed.

  • WP Socializer

9) Slider

This slider plugin creates beautiful slide shows for your WordPress blog.

  • Meteor Slides

10) Ad Management

If you have been blogging for any length of time and you have a following, you might want to consider selling ad space on your blog. This plugin can help with keeping track of the details.

  • Ad Rotate

A Caution…

Before you start randomly downloading plugins from the WordPress Plugin Repository, please read this post – Are Your WordPress Plugins Safe?

Please Note:

This list is always evolving and changing/growing as we learn of new resources. We would be happy to book an appointment and discuss WordPress plugins that could meet your specific needs.

What WordPress Plugins do you use on your blog?


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